Find anxiety treatment in Repentigny near you!

No ratings yet
Occupational Therapist
Marie-Christine Lemoine, Egothérapeute en Santé Mentale
Distance 8.6 km
Offers virtual only appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars. 23ratings for Karyne Jussaume
Clinical Counsellor
Conseillère d'orientation Karyne Jussaume
Distance 9.9 km
Offers virtual only appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 32ratings for Stephanie Underwood
Social Worker
Stephanie Underwood, RSW
Distance 7.8 km
Accepting new patients

Stephanie is a registered social worker with 8+ years of mental health experience. She is based in Montreal who provides telehealth counselling services to clients across Quebec, Ontario, and Alberta. Read more.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 16ratings for M. Lavoie
Social Worker
Marie Mylene Lavoie Travailleuse sociale
Distance 8.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
No ratings yet
Occupational Therapist
Physio Distinction
Distance 12.7 km
Offers in-person appointments only
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 6ratings for Linda Daoust
Physio Distinction
Distance 12.7 km
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 29ratings for Melissa Lalande
Occupational Therapist
Melissa Lalande Ergotherapeute
Distance 13.3 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 1ratings for Natasha Dumont-Carey
Occupational Therapist
Natasha Dumont-Carey
Distance 14.2 km
Offers virtual only appointments
Accepting new patients
No ratings yet
Social Worker
Clinique Chêne et Roseau
Distance 16 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 4ratings for Alys Bélanger
Social Worker
Clinique Chêne & Roseau
Distance 16 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 374ratings for Christine Pagé
Christine Pagé Psychologue
Distance 16.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
$120 - $160 per visit
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars. 215ratings for Jerome Lapalme
Jerome Lapalme psychologue
Distance 16.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
$120 - $160 per visit
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 404ratings for Sassi Essid
Sassi Essid, Psychologue
Distance 16.7 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients

Psychologue Psychothérapie Évaluation scolaire (TDAH, difficultés d'apprentissage, psychosociale) Psychoéducation suivi par une psychoéducatrice pour diverses problématiques (gestion des émotions, estime de soi, comportement, routine...).. Read more.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 525ratings for Jacques Lafleur
Jacques Lafleur, psychologue Anjou
Distance 18 km
Offers virtual only appointments
$120 - $160 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 11ratings for Jacinthe Poirier
Occupational Therapist
Jacinthe Poirier, Ergothérapeute
Distance 19.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 194ratings for Robert Gauthier
Psychologue de Montreal
Distance 21.1 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
$120 - $160 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 14ratings for Camille Alarie
Occupational Therapist
Action Sport Physio - Mercier Hochelaga
Distance 21.2 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients

Camille's goal is to build a personalized therapeutic exercise program for each of her clients. She places great importance on involving the client throughout the rehabilitation process and developing a trusting relationship with them. Read more.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 10ratings for Kim Dung Truc
Action Sport Physio - Mercier Hochelaga
Distance 21.2 km
Accepting new patients
More than $92 per visit

Acupuncture is a full-fledged medicine that considers the whole being. Treatments are individualized according to different lifestyles (lifestyle, diet, work, stress, trauma, etc.) Kim is passionate about acupuncture and anything that can help relieve and treat people. Read more.

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars. 7ratings for Feng Zhao
Physio Balance
Distance 21.8 km
Accepting new patients
More than $92 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 207ratings for Sylvain Côté
Sylvain Côté Psychothérapeute
Distance 22.4 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 22ratings for Carine Larouche
Social Worker
Clinique PDA
Distance 22.7 km
Offers in-person appointments only
Accepting new patients

Ms. Larouche has worked with various clienteles in psychosocial intervention for over 15 years. She has worked in several settings (domestic violence shelter, CLSC, hospital center, private mental health clinic and private drug addiction clinic), always with adults and the elderly. Read more.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 11ratings for Maryse Millette
Social Worker
Maryse Millette travailleuse sociale
Distance 23 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 82ratings for Prisca Diano
Social Worker
Prisca Diano Travailleuse sociale
Distance 23.1 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 37ratings for Marie-Josée Dubé
Clinique de Sexologie et Psychothérapie de la Rive-Sud
Distance 23.3 km
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 80ratings for Audrey Gendron
Globe Santé inc.
Distance 23.5 km
Accepting new patients
$70 - $92 per visit
No ratings yet
Pratique privée de psychothérapie
Distance 24.2 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments

In our sessions, I provide a confidential, non-judgmental space to explore your experiences. My approach combines cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic therapies to help you understand your thought patterns and personal history, and to find practical strategies for overcoming challenges. Read more.

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars. 10ratings for Ginette Bui
Occupational Therapist
Distance 24.2 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars. 34ratings for Alden Tsim
Action Sport Physio - Saint-Bruno
Distance 24.4 km
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 241ratings for Annie Duguay
Acupuncture Annie Duguay
Distance 24.7 km
Accepting new patients
$70 - $92 per visit
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars. 376ratings for Katia Turcotte
Katia Turcotte Acupuncteure
Distance 24.9 km
Accepting new patients
More than $92 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 28ratings for Vincent Mousseau
Social Worker
Vincent Mousseau, MSc
Distance 25.2 km
Offers virtual only appointments

Vincent (they/them) is a Black, queer and trans social worker and activist who operates mainly through a humanistic, trauma-informed, anti-racist and anti-oppressive lens that is rooted in sex positivity and harm reduction. Read more.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 79ratings for Valérie Lambert
Valérie Lambert, psychologue
Distance 25.4 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
More than $160 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 29ratings for An-tchi Ta
Clinique Acupuncture chinoise et physiothérapie Du Ta
Distance 25.6 km
Accepting new patients
$70 - $92 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 5ratings for Marion Bouchard-Pilote
Action Sport Physio Maisonneuve Rosemont
Distance 25.6 km
Accepting new patients
$70 - $92 per visit
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars. 139ratings for Julie Gazard
Action Sport Physio Maisonneuve Rosemont
Distance 25.6 km
Accepting new patients
$70 - $92 per visit

Trained in Vietnamese Martial Arts by the Song Long Khien Duong School, one of the mottos is "You cannot hope to grow if you are not ready to change". Read more.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 2ratings for Nai Ma
Action Sport Physio Maisonneuve Rosemont
Distance 25.6 km
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 9ratings for Gabriel Miville-Goulet
Occupational Therapist
Action Sport Physio Maisonneuve Rosemont
Distance 25.6 km
Offers in-person appointments only
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 52ratings for Stéphane Brahim
Stephane Brahim, Ac.
Distance 25.7 km
Accepting new patients
$70 - $92 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 92ratings for Eric Perrier
Eric Perrier
Distance 25.7 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 31ratings for Eric Perrier
Social Worker
Eric Perrier
Distance 25.7 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 204ratings for Myriam Busson
Clinique SoutienPsy
Distance 25.9 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
More than $160 per visit
No ratings yet
Montreal Gongfu Research Centre
Distance 26.3 km
Accepting new patients
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 71ratings for Michael Wray
Social Worker
Michael Wray Soutien
Distance 26.5 km
Offers virtual only appointments
Accepting new patients

I'm an MSW licensed social worker with 6 years of clinical psychosocial intervention practice within the public and private health systems working from Montreal, Canada. Read more.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 470ratings for Stéphane Gélinas
Stéphane Gélinas, psychologue
Distance 26.8 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
$120 - $160 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 170ratings for Nathalie Caron
Social Worker
Nathalie Caron, Travailleuse sociale
Distance 26.8 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 54ratings for Leila Serrar, PhD
Serrar Leila PhD à Clinique Psychothérapeute Montréal
Distance 27 km
Offers virtual only appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 105ratings for Vincent Turgeon
Vincent Turgeon, c.o., psychothérapeute
Distance 27.1 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 16ratings for Claude Bernier
Claude Bernier Psychologue
Distance 27.2 km
Offers in-person appointments only
$120 - $160 per visit
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 197ratings for Justin Lapointe
Mon Acupuncteur
Distance 27.2 km
Accepting new patients
$70 - $92 per visit

A graduate of Rosemont College and a member of the Ordre des acupuncteurs du Québec (O.A.Q), Justin assists individuals in maintaining optimal health, or helping them regain their health. Read more.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 91ratings for Kim Leprohon
Kim Leprohon Acupuncture
Distance 27.2 km
Accepting new patients
$70 - $92 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 7ratings for Mohamed Jridi
Mtl Psy
Distance 27.5 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
$120 - $160 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 11ratings for Lauren Kolyn
Social Worker
Lauren Kolyn
Distance 27.5 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 52ratings for Nathalie Guay
Nathalie Guay AcupunctureI Acupuncteur Le Plateau, Mont-Royal
Distance 27.5 km
Accepting new patients
$70 - $92 per visit
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars. 3ratings for Vincent Marzano-Poitras
Thérapie individuelle, de couple ou de famille
Distance 27.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 14ratings for Florence Tsakpinoglou
Clinique Sens
Distance 27.6 km
Offers in-person appointments only
$120 - $160 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 1283ratings for Jacqueline Tabares
Jacqueline Tabares, Psychologue
Distance 27.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
$120 - $160 per visit
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 248ratings for Dany Larivière
Distance 27.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
$120 - $160 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 67ratings for Jennyfer Boulet
Jennyfer Boulet Ac.
Distance 27.7 km
Accepting new patients
$70 - $92 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 4ratings for Marion Rivest-Lachapelle
Social Worker
Marion Rivest-Lachapelle (Centre Ascension)
Distance 27.7 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 70ratings for Carolanne Champagne
Carolanne Champagne Acupuncture
Distance 27.8 km
Accepting new patients
More than $92 per visit

My mission is to help people who lost the capacity to live everyday as they wish, be it due to physical, emotional or mental unbalances. Read more.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 2ratings for Laura Martin
AllOstéo - Cabinet d'Ostéopathie
Distance 27.8 km
Accepting new patients

Since completing the acupuncture course at Collège de Rosemont, Laura has practiced in community settings, addiction treatment centers, and multidisciplinary clinics. Read more.

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars. 26ratings for Dani Minuskin
Clinical Counsellor
Dani Minuskin
Distance 27.9 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients

Occurring at any point in the lifespan, difficult and traumatic life experiences can leave their traces on us and impact the way that we experience the world around us. Read more.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 93ratings for Emy TOIDA
Emy Toida, Psychothérapeute
Distance 27.9 km

Emy Toida B. Psicologia, Psicoterapeuta Me dedico à psicologia clínica desde 2005, minha experiência engloba o atendimento infanto-juvenil, e adulto. Read more.

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars. 964ratings for Caroline Larocque
Clinique Médicale
Distance 27.9 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
$120 - $160 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 198ratings for Julie Dubé
Julie Dubé, Acupuncteure
Distance 28.1 km
Accepting new patients
$70 - $92 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 64ratings for Vincent LEFÈVRE Ac.
Acupuncture Vincent Lefèvre
Distance 28.4 km
Accepting new patients
$70 - $92 per visit

I graduated from the acupuncture program at Collège de Rosemont in Montreal. Through my post-college training, I focused on the treatment of musculoskeletal pain, stress, anxiety, psychosomatic and neurological disorders. Read more.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 45ratings for Nicolas Gamin
Nicolas Gamin-Psychologue
Distance 28.5 km
Offers virtual only appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 1ratings for Chantal Roy
Social Worker
Chantal Roy, Travailleuse Sociale
Distance 28.5 km
Offers virtual only appointments
Accepting new patients
Sylvie Roseberry, conseillère d'orientation psychothérapeute
Distance 28.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients

Je suis membre de l’Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation du Québec depuis 1994. Je détiens aussi un permis de psychothérapeute, qui m’est délivré par l’Ordre des psychologues du Québec. Read more.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 23ratings for Caroline Lemieux
Social Worker
Lemieux consultation, travail social
Distance 28.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 1ratings for Jasmine Charbonneau
Occupational Therapist
Action Sport Physio Mont-Saint-Hilaire
Distance 29 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 37ratings for Michelle Trudel
Social Worker
Michelle Trudel, T.S.
Distance 29 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 368ratings for Bilal Issa
Psyclinique : Intervention clinique et psychothérapie
Distance 29.1 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
$120 - $160 per visit

Diplômé d'un doctorat en psychologie à Montréal en 2020, j'ai œuvré en milieu hospitalier en France et au Québec depuis 2011. Read more.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 16ratings for Elisa Senand
Psyclinique : Intervention clinique et psychothérapie
Distance 29.1 km
Offers in-person appointments only
Accepting new patients
$120 - $160 per visit

I completed a doctorate in psychology in Montreal in 2024, I was trained first in France, then in Quebec since 2016. Read more.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 284ratings for Nancy Mongrain
Acupuncture Outremont
Distance 29.1 km
Accepting new patients
$70 - $92 per visit
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars. 4ratings for Aissa Rechoum
Stadium PhysiOsteo CSL
Distance 29.3 km
Accepting new patients
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars. 12ratings for Amélie Kijek
L'interphase - Clinique de psychologie et de neuropsychologie
Distance 29.4 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars. 20ratings for Marine Roussel
L'interphase - Clinique de psychologie et de neuropsychologie
Distance 29.4 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 530ratings for Francesca Lungescu
Coaching Talents
Distance 29.4 km
Offers virtual only appointments
More than $160 per visit

Please note that unfortunately Dre. Francesca Lungescu doesn't have availability for new clients for the moment. Read more.

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars. 325ratings for Karine Paquin
Dre Karine Paquin, Ph.D., Psychologue
Distance 29.5 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
$120 - $160 per visit
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 25ratings for Brenda Abrahamson
Blake Psychologie Montréal, McGill Metro
Distance 29.5 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients

I’m a Psychotherapist and Board-Certified Art Therapist and often work with clients struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, grief and loss, and difficulties in interpersonal relationships. Read more.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 443ratings for Valérie English
Blake Psychologie Montréal, McGill Metro
Distance 29.5 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
More than $160 per visit

My approach to therapy is integrative, in the sense that I incorporate approaches from several scientifically validated therapies, according to the client’s needs. Read more.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 107ratings for Jamie Libenstein
Blake Psychologie Montréal, McGill Metro
Distance 29.5 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
More than $160 per visit

The rich experiences in which I have participated have allowed me to develop my therapeutic skills with a diverse clientele and for various challenges. Read more.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 111ratings for Tia Maric
Blake Psychologie Montréal, McGill Metro
Distance 29.5 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients

I'm a vocational counsellor and registered psychotherapist specializing in stress, anxiety, depression, and more. Read more.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 101ratings for Catherine Paschier
Blake Psychologie Montréal, McGill Metro
Distance 29.5 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
More than $160 per visit

Hi! I work with clients aged 14-28. Undertaking psychotherapy is a process that can be difficult. As I care about your well-being, I place great importance on the therapeutic relationship and your experience by offering an interactive, caring, safe and authentic space. Read more.

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars. 162ratings for Meghan Picado
Blake Psychologie Montréal, McGill Metro
Distance 29.5 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients

I am sensitive, knowledgeable, and extremely passionate about issues related to gender and sexuality. Read more.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 89ratings for Andry Razakamanana
Blake Psychologie Montréal, McGill Metro
Distance 29.5 km
Offers in-person appointments only
Accepting new patients
More than $160 per visit

My philosophy: “Transform deepest despair into invincible hope” (Nietzsche). Before training in psychology in Canada, I was a secondary school philosophy teacher in my native Madagascar. Read more.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 316ratings for Sean Scanlan
Blake Psychologie Montréal, McGill Metro
Distance 29.5 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
More than $160 per visit

A licensed psychologist since 2008, Sean has experience in both public and private sectors. He values connecting with diverse individuals and helping them improve their lives. Read more.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 81ratings for Ven Tomov
Blake Psychologie Montréal, McGill Metro
Distance 29.5 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients

My name is Ven and over the years as a helping professional I realized that people care less about clever language and elaborate techniques and more about receiving sincere love and compassion, living hope and courage, honest feedback, and new perspectives. Read more.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 31ratings for Ven Tomov
Social Worker
Blake Psychologie Montréal, McGill Metro
Distance 29.5 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients

My name is Ven and over the years as a helping professional I realized that people care less about clever language and elaborate techniques and more about receiving sincere love and compassion, living hope and courage, honest feedback, and new perspectives. Read more.

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars. 27ratings for Jennifer Acheson
Distance 29.6 km
Offers virtual only appointments
Accepting new patients
More than $160 per visit

Jennifer is a Registered Psychologist who is licensed in both Quebec and British Columbia. She obtained her doctorate degree from McGill University and has worked in many settings, including hospitals, community agencies, and universities. Read more.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 34ratings for Jean-Marc Assad
Distance 29.6 km
Offers virtual only appointments

Jean-Marc is a registered psychologist and Director of Online Services at PsyVitalitï. He obtained his doctoral degree from McGill University, where he also taught. Read more.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 48ratings for Gaspard Bechet
Distance 29.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments

Gaspard Bechet is a psychologist, member of the order of psychologists of Quebec. He studied in clinical psychology at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve. Read more.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 487ratings for Kenneth Bruce
Distance 29.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
More than $160 per visit

Dr. Ken Bruce is a psychologist member of the Order of Psychologists of Quebec. With over 15 years of experience, he has worked in hospital settings, academia and in private practice. Read more.

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars. 28ratings for Tianshu Li
Distance 29.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients

Tianshu is a licensed guidance counsellor and psychotherapist. She earned her master’s degree in counselling psychology at the University of Ottawa. Read more.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 352ratings for Sean Scanlan
Distance 29.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
More than $160 per visit

Sean Scanlan is a licensed psychologist with over 10 years of professional experience and completed his training at McGill University. Read more.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars. 113ratings for Leanna Zozula
Distance 29.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
More than $160 per visit

Leanna is a registered psychologist and Clinical Director of PsyVitalitï. She obtained her doctorate degree from McGill University and was trained and worked in many settings in Albany, New York and Montreal, Quebec. Read more.

No ratings yet
Dalel Ben Ghoul
Distance 29.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
No ratings yet
Social Worker
Dalel Ben Ghoul
Distance 29.6 km
Offers in-person and virtual appointments
Accepting new patients
Rated 5 out of 5 stars. 29ratings for Sara Perretta
Clinical Counsellor
Sara Perretta Therapy
Distance 29.6 km
Offers in-person appointments only
Accepting new patients

HumanRelationsTherapist15+yrs.experience Services:depression,anxiety,lifetransitions,relationshipissues,employeeassistance Receiptsprovidedforinsurance.Pleaseverify. Read more.

Ratings are based on other patients’ experiences with their treatment for anxiety.
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Cost calculations are based on recent claims submitted to Sun Life and may not reflect current provider pricing.

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Lumino Health shows you information about health-care providers and allows you to filter results based on distance, rating, cost, availability, treatment and more. You can also see the next available appointment and book directly with some providers.

Cost indicators are based on claims submitted to Sun Life. They may not be indicative of current pricing.

Ratings come from Sun Life Clients who have received services from the provider. They're collected at the time the claims are submitted. The ratings are based on individual experiences of Sun Life Clients and their family members.

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